Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do, Chs 16-25

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse http://hootcourse.com/course/2242/ for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.

Q19) Author says his conventional associations pale to online. True for you? Where are you putting most of your energy? Why? #lrnbk

Q20) How have your new ideas of connectedness change how you’ve seen the world? #lrnbk

Q21) Crux of the book: “Building real relationships is the best way to build real business and real brands.” How can we be "real"? #lrnbk

Q22) What examples of asking good questions and/or really listening have you seen in your communities?  Loc 1641 #lrnbk

More questions tomorrow. 

We'll start the wrap up on the rest of the book on Thursday. 

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