Monday, March 5, 2012

"Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do" : #lrnbk chat begins March 26, 2012

Time for another #lrnbk Twitter chat! This time we'll be discussing Euan Semple's Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do, now available internationally via hard copy and eReader. (Here's the US Amazon link.) 

We'll start with the first questions on Monday, March 26, at 7:30 am ET, based on the front matter and first 5 (very short) chapters.  

Meantime, please get the book and start reading!  

The discussion will be asynchronous to accommodate time zone issues.

To keep from flooding the Twitter stream, we'll mostly chat privately at, where you can choose to publish -- or not-- your tweets to the public stream. Start with the “hoots” tab to see just my tweets. We will use the hashtag #lrnbk – be aware that Hootcourse will add that automatically.

I'll (@JaneBozarth) 
be wrangling this with help from the smart and tireless Mark Britz (@Britz). Book discussion questions welcome so please add them here or DM me on Twitter.

Hope to see everyone soon! 


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