Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Organizations Don't Tweet,People Do" Chs 6-15, pt 2

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.  

Q15)  How might the future of management change due to social tools and our abilities share knowledge and work together? Loc:938 #lrnbk

Q16) The author states that “Social Media is not a bottom up revolution” .How can this belief be leveraged to improve executive buy-in? Loc:959 #lrnbk

Q17)   The author warns us to beware of the “echo chamber”. How do you remain diligent to avoid group think? Loc:1080 #lrnbk

Q18)  Real leaders have followers. Who are your “leaders” in this space and how have they displayed courage, consistency, and/or adding real value? Loc:1224 #lrnbk

Tuesday: Chapters 17-25
Thursday : Chapters 26- 35
Monday April 9: Remaining chapters/end material 

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