Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do - It's a wrap!

What a  great experience!  Jane and I want to thank all the participants in this edition of Learn Book (#lrnbk), in particular Jean marrapodi (@jmarrapodi), Tracy Wright (@Tracylhwright), Lorraine Taylor (@134Lorraine), Debra Beck (@npmaven), and Danna Revis (@s_trainer) for some great questions, interesting perspectives and rich dialog.

In particular I want to give a big thanks to Tom Spiglanin (@tomspiglanin) for his offerings both in the form of formal questions and multiple interactions that offered great value throughout our conversations about the book.

Finally, we had the wonderful treat of having the author, Euan Semple's (@euan) presence in our conversations. Thanks Euan, you added valuable clarifications and insights throughout.

Until next time.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do - Final questions Chaps 36-45

Below are the final questions for this Learn Book (#lrnbk) edition.

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using hootcourse http://hootcourse.com/course/2242/for this chat.  Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.

If your new - its never to late to share your thoughts. If you've been here a while, thanks for taking part and contributing to a great chat! See you next time.

Q35) What similarities/differences exist between Intrapreneurs and Entrepreneurs? Actions? Processes?

 Q36) "Trolls" can be disruptive influences in online communities - How have you dealt with them? How best to convert them to friends?

 Q37) How can social media help organizations deal with internal crisis? Examples?

 Q38) How can using social media weaken the (Taylorist) assumptions about work?

 Q39) Expressing your ideas publicly invites reaction. How do you feel when people don't see the world as you do?

 Q40) What's your "Final Word" about the book? What is your greatest takeaway?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do - Chapters 26-35

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse http://hootcourse.com/course/2242/for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.  

Q 31) "Online conversations force us to lighten up" Loc 2278 - Are you more at ease online, How so? What impacts would this have in your "physical" world org conversations?

Q 32) "...the ROI of preventing Social media in your organization." Loc 2271 -  How have you confronted the debate about the value of Social Media for learning? Any Wins?

Q 33) "...People are pompous because they are nervous." Loc 2306 - What pomposity have you faced re: SoMe use? Have you employed forgiveness and assistance to overcome?

Q 34) "You can't manage knowledge but you can create a knowldge ecology." Loc 2371 What actions need to be taken/avoided to help knowledge ecologies thrive?

Friday, April 6, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do: Easter Break?

Seems like the dialog is just to rich to quit and a few have chimed in late hoping to join the fun. However as many more are likely heading into some family holiday time, so how about we pause questions until next week (give folks a chance to catch up or catch their breath) where we can then move to finish the book together.

We could post on Tuesday (26-35) and have a final set of questions on Thursday (36-45). Of course you read "we" - so leave question ideas with chapter reference in the comments section as you roll along.

What say you?


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do: Wrapup (Chs 26-on)

We're wrapping this up now. Please add any additional final questions in the comments area.

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse http://hootcourse.com/course/2242/ for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.  

Q26) Q) social tools tend to appeal to the disenfranchised ... You're here... Are you disenfranchised? How so, edgling? #lrnbk

Q27) Q) How can SoMe help you become an innovator, possessing the key skills  identified in loc 1982? #lrnbk

Q28) Why do organizations insist on 'sanitizing innovation', and how can we overcome that? #lrnbk 

Q29) How do we keep from losing the signal along with the noise? #lrnbk

Q30) "Aim for rules and guidelines that enable rather than disable use."  Examples?

Thanks to all our participants, particularly author Euan Semple! Next up: Jean Marrapodi has an idea for another book, so stay tuned for details. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do, Chs 16-25 pt 2

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse http://hootcourse.com/course/2242/ for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them. 

#lrnbk participant Tom Spiglanin has been blogging alongside this chat. Be sure to see his great post "Social Media: Give More to Get More."  

We wrap up our discussion of leadership, connectedness, and listening today with a few additional questions:

Q23) How can mngrs work 2 be more vulnerable if the culture is unsupporting of "weakness"? Loc: 1464

Q24) If you agree that an ephemeral meritocracy will ultimately emerge what growing pains will we see prior? Loc: 1479

Q25) “Social tools can unleash creativity in the workplace." Have you seen examples? Have YOU become more creative at work b/c of social media? 

We begin book wrap-up on Thursday. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do, Chs 16-25

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse http://hootcourse.com/course/2242/ for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.

Q19) Author says his conventional associations pale to online. True for you? Where are you putting most of your energy? Why? #lrnbk

Q20) How have your new ideas of connectedness change how you’ve seen the world? #lrnbk

Q21) Crux of the book: “Building real relationships is the best way to build real business and real brands.” How can we be "real"? #lrnbk

Q22) What examples of asking good questions and/or really listening have you seen in your communities?  Loc 1641 #lrnbk

More questions tomorrow. 

We'll start the wrap up on the rest of the book on Thursday.