Monday, March 26, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do chs 1-5 #lrnbk

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.  

Q1. @Euan says power is shifting from orgs to networks/individuals. Do/Where do you see evidence? #lrnbk

Q2. Where is the energy in your organization? Why does energy emerge? How can you copy it? #lrnbk

Q3.  What are some examples of Trojan Mice? (Ch2) Seen them? Done them?  #lrnbk

Q4. Ch4: "Knowledge has to be shared to have value." Agree/disagree? Why? #lrnbk

Q5. The author cautions against the use of platforms. Do you agree? What are pros/cons? #lrnbk

More questions Wednesday 3/28 7:30 am ET.

Discussion of chapters 6-12 begin Friday 3/30 7:30 am ET 

Chat leaders: Jane Bozarth @janebozarth & Mark Britz @Britz

Questions for upcoming chapters? Suggest them in the comments section below.

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