Wednesday, December 15, 2010

"Power of Pull" Discussion Intro and Chapters 1 & 2 (part 1)

Here we go! Remember to join us via . You can choose from there to post your comments to Twitter-- or not. Hootcourse will add the hashtag #lrnbkpull . Most seem to be using Kindles so we will go with location numbers. Those with paper copies: there is no reliable calculator yet for matching Kindle location to page number, but we'll try to make sense of where we are!

As the introduction proved so interesting let's include comments from there here as well. The first questions are arranged around some general themes of the book: Passion, Learning, Serendipity & Creating Change:

Q1 Passion:  20th century institutions saw passion as disruptive and unpredictable. What arguments does"The Power of Pull" make in encouraging passion (think of the Grommets). How do we help others find , leverage, and kindle passion? How can we map passion to profession?

Q2 Learning: What did the Grommets learn about learning? What are lessons for those of us in learning and development (L&D)?

Q3 Serendipity: Think back on times in which you learned, really learned something. Or think of a significant moment of success. How much depended on serendipity-- a chance encounter with someone or an idea or event. What are lessons there for those of us in L & D. How can we 'create' serendipity?

Q4) Creating change:  Saying "The edge transforms the center”, the authors assert that we need to start by working to change individuals, not institutions.  Agree/no? Why/not?

More questions on Friday, 8 am ET. See prior post for details re rest of schedule.

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