Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Organizations Don't Tweet, People Do #lrnbk chat Chs 1-5, Pt 2

Click HERE for details about the chat. Reminder: We're using Hootcourse for this chat. This will help keep the chat organized in one place over several weeks. Also, choosing to post only some tweets to the main Twitter feed will keep from flooding your followers if you think the conversation won't be of much interest to them.  

Q6) What does being strategically tactical look like? How can you promote this with stakeholders? Loc:326 #lrnbk

Q7) What steps would need to be taken to hasten the transformation of a traditional org command & control structure to one based on democratic principles? #lrnbk

Q8) Ch 3:Common theme is taking responsibility for ourselves&those around us. What does
this look like? How to do daily? #lrnbk

Starts Friday, March 30: Discussion of
Chs 6-10 "Writing Ourselves into Existence"
Chs 11-15 Leaders & Followers 

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