Monday, March 7, 2011

Section One

And we're off!

Just a reminder - be sure to join us on . Again, most look to be using Kindles (or Kindle apps :) ) we will try to go with location numbers and provide enough detail to support folks with paper /PDF copies.

Thanks to Kristi Broom (@KristiBroom) for her question contributions! We have a lot of questions so feel free to answer all, order or just bounce around. Remember to place the question number in your response so we know the question you're refering to.


Q1) Shepherd says “As none of these [learning methods, learning media, the science of learning] is intuitive and obvious, the client cannot be expected to have this expertise. And for this reason, it is neither sufficient nor excusable for the learning architect to act as order taker.” What are some ways you avoid being an order taker?

Q2) “Learning may or may not be the reason we go to work, but it is an inevitable consequence.” What are examples of when you have found this to be true?

Time for a Rethink

Q3) Siemens says “‘knowing where’ and ‘knowing who’ are more important today than knowing when and how.” What are examples that support this? Refute it?

Q4) Location 218, Shepherd describes learning face-offs (e.g., off-job v on-job learning). How do you handle these face-offs effectively?

Q5) Shepherd talks of skepticism that change will be brought about by the L&D profession, which he refers to as dinosaurs. What are some steps we need to take to fuel the change?

Q5a) What changes are you seeing happening in your organization?

Profile: Nick Shackleton-Jones

Q6) BBC turned away from courses and toward resources. Are their organizations where this would not be effective?

Q6a) If you are working towards this vision, what steps are you taking?

One More Time, How Do People Learn?

Q7) Shepherd says “We go to work to do things, not to learn.” Do you agree with this statement? Do your leaders?

Q8) Shepherd suggests that people don’t resist change, but do resist being changed. What strategies do you employ to help people buy into/embrace changes?

A Contextual Model for Learning

Q9) “L&D professionals could do worse in future than to regard bottom-up learning as the default solution.” Does your organization support this statement? Why or why not?

Q9a) If Bottom-up learning moves to the default solution, what will be the learning professional's role?

Q10) In Loc 681 Shepherd recalls a statement made by George Siemens: "The more choice we have, the more likely we are to choose the familiar option." How do you fight the urge to stay in "familiar waters"

Profile: Sebastian Graeb-Konneker

Q11) Shell has a knowledge management strategy based on the requirement to “ask, learn, share.” What strategies do you use?

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